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Jimmy Carter, who oversaw the Education Department’s creation, dies at age 100

Jimmy Carter, who oversaw the Education Department’s creation, dies at age 100

"Our ability to advance both economically and technologically, our country's entire intellectual and cultural life depend on the success of our great educational enterprise," Carter said in the 1979 speech, according to The American Presidency Project at the University of California, Santa Barbara.

Trump wants to nix the Education Department. He should rebrand it instead.

Trump wants to nix the Education Department. He should rebrand it instead.

This blueprint of leaving the fundamentals of curriculum development to the states while providing best practices and tools and targeting funding to achieve big national goals is exactly what we need going forward.

Why Identity Governance Should Be the First Step in Developing an IAM Strategy

Why Identity Governance Should Be the First Step in Developing an IAM Strategy

A comprehensive IAM strategy could be the best defense against cybercrime targeting higher ed institutions, but without proper governance and insight into users and their identities, university IT departments could leave themselves vulnerable to threats.