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API Attacks: What Are They and How Can Universities Prepare?

API Attacks: What Are They and How Can Universities Prepare?

APIs can even execute logic — for example, answering the question “is this student eligible to enroll next year?”— letting one application be the source of truth and reducing maintenance headaches and inconsistencies.

Are short-term credentials really more affordable?

Are short-term credentials really more affordable?

“There’s just a lot of sub-baccalaureate and sub-associate degree credentials out there” of different lengths and costs, called by a variety of names and offered by different kinds of providers, making it “hard to decipher any sort of outcomes or similarities,” she said.

AI as a Service (AIaaS): What Higher Education Needs to Know

AI as a Service (AIaaS): What Higher Education Needs to Know

While the university’s supercomputing center allows in-house AI development, private sector companies such as Microsoft, Oracle and SAP are integrating GenAI and other learning automation functionality into their software platforms.

Data-powered engagement: How 2 higher ed institutions use data to drive student enrollment and retention

Data-powered engagement: How 2 higher ed institutions use data to drive student enrollment and retention

Leaders at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette have also expanded campus ID card uses to include digital access to buildings, dining, class check-ins, event attendance, and payments for goods and services, among others.