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community college students

The student as client (not customer) (opinion)

The student as client (not customer) (opinion)

Customers are parties who are viewed as needing to be appealed to by vendors who seek to understand what a group of people are interested in and then set out to, ideally, offer a product at an attractive cost (i.e., price) to gain market acceptance and patronage.

Are short-term credentials really more affordable?

Are short-term credentials really more affordable?

“There’s just a lot of sub-baccalaureate and sub-associate degree credentials out there” of different lengths and costs, called by a variety of names and offered by different kinds of providers, making it “hard to decipher any sort of outcomes or similarities,” she said.

What Are Ghost Students, and How Do They Operate?

What Are Ghost Students, and How Do They Operate?

And once colleges are aware of the problem, the process of closely scrutinizing applications and monitoring students’ behavior once enrolled can cost an enormous amount of time and effort for admissions officials, faculty members, IT teams and others.

Cal State will emphasize postgrad success in new campaign

Cal State will emphasize postgrad success in new campaign

“The initiative will deepen the CSU’s relationship and alignment with industry partners and benefit California’s workforce by strengthening the pipeline of career-ready graduates to fill critical positions in growing fields,” according to documents from a previous board meeting.

The scramble for college voters in Arizona

The scramble for college voters in Arizona

“College campuses are the easiest way to completely run up our numbers with young voters and ensure they’re voting for Kamala Harris, Ruben Gallego [Republican Kari Lake’s Senate opponent] and Democrats all the way down the ballot, including judges, school board members, state legislators and propositions.”

Survey: Student confidence in career prep, future success

Survey: Student confidence in career prep, future success

VanDerziel worries about this, too, saying that “higher ed needs to help students with these life skills and provide services that will set them up for future success.” But he says that graduates are taking job security and well-being, including mental health, into account choosing where to work, according to NACE research.

Employers, four-year colleges provide community college internships

Employers, four-year colleges provide community college internships

HICCC leaders hope it helps build a diverse talent pipeline and provide students with experiences for economic mobility in the field of health sciences.