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What Is Self-Sovereign Identity, and Could It Impact Higher Education Cybersecurity?

What Is Self-Sovereign Identity, and Could It Impact Higher Education Cybersecurity?

That username and password are attached to some internal identifier, and that’s linked — directly or indirectly — to the entire spectrum of information that the university has about the person.

Q&A with author of “Smart University”

Q&A with author of “Smart University”

The technology, while pitched as a way to reduce costs and improve campus sustainability, can actually perpetuate racial and economic inequalities in the higher education system, argues Weinberg, a clinical associate professor at Purdue University.

Another advance for the three-year degree

Another advance for the three-year degree

“Offering three-year bachelor’s degree programs with just 90 credits allows more students to begin their career journeys sooner—and with a lower financial obligation,” said Mim L. Runey, chancellor of Johnson & Wales.